PBSP holds photo contest on TB

Philippine Business for Social Progress, principal recipient of the TB component of The Global Fund to Fights Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (TGFATM), invites all Filipinos of any age and residing anywhere in the Philippines to join the TB ay Tuldukan Photography Contest 2016.
The contest, which runs until February 29, 2016, shall have three categories/themes:
1) Anyone can have TB;
2) Tb can be cured;
3) Collective effort is needed to combat TB.
A winner shall be declared in each category. Winners in each category shall receive P20,000 each. A People’s Choice Award shall likewise be given to an entry with the most likes on Facebook, and winner will receive P10,000. Six consolation prizes shall also be given, two per category.
See below Photocontest Rules, TB Information, and Entry Form.
Entries should be received on or before February 29, 2016. For inquiries, interested parties may send a message to pbsp.photocontest@gmail.com.
A. Mechanics
- The contest runs until 29 February 2016.
- The contest shall have three categories or themes:
1) Anyone can have TB, young and old, rich or poor;
2) TB can be cured; and
3) Collective effort is needed to combat TB.
- One winner shall be declared in each category. A total of six consolation prizes will be given, two per category. However, in the absence of meritorious entry, the judges may declare no winner in a category/theme.
One entry shall be declared people’s choice. The people’s choice shall be the entry with the most number of Facebook likes. In case of tie, the judges will choose the winner based on the criteria indicated in the contest rules (see Section C).
4. Each entry should be the original work of the entrant.
5. Entrants may submit a maximum of three photographs (one per category), but may win only one award. In case an entrant wins more than one prize, the entrant will be awarded the higher prize.
The people’s choice, being a special award, shall not in any way affect the set of winners chosen by the judges. Thus, a winning entry may also be the people’s choice, in which case, the entry will be awarded both the prize for the category in which it won plus the special prize.
6. Each photo must be accompanied by a caption. The caption, written in English and not more than 100 words, must highlight the message of the photo.
7. For photos whose subject includes a recognizable person, the entrant must seek permission from that person or, in the case of a minor, from the subject’s parent or guardian.
8. Minor entrants must seek permission to join the contest from their parents or legal guardian.
9. Photos must be in high resolution (8MP shots minimum, 300 dpi or higher) and saved in jpeg format. The entry must also be accompanied with a low-resolution version for uploading purposes.
10. The photos should be realistic, culturally sensitive, and non-discriminatory. In depicting cultural minorities/religions, entrants should ensure that they are positively portrayed; and their attire/customs, correctly depicted.
11. The following photos are disqualified:
a) Photos that have been enhanced or altered. Alteration means manipulation of the photograph for special effects (colorizing, toning, collage, photo composites). Only minor adjustments such as cropping and slight color and contrast adjustment are allowed.
b) Photos that violate another person’s rights, including but not limited to copyright; or contain materials that promote bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual, or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.
c) Photographs that have been submitted to or won in other contests, or have been published or submitted for publication (print or online).
d) Photos which are immoral, obscene, and/or in violation of public moral and/or proper public conduct.
e) Photos that incorrectly and/or negatively portray minorities/cultural or religious groups.12. Ineligibility Clause
f) Employees of PBSP, Global Fund TB Grant, and PBSP-GF Sub Recipients and their relatives up to 2nd degree of affinity and consanguinity are ineligible to join this contest.
12. The decision of the board of judges which PBSP shall select solely for the contest shall be final and may not be appealed.
13. By submitting an entry, a contestant grants PBSP-Global Fund and its official representatives an irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the entry in its website and online pages including social media without further compensation, notification or permission. In addition, each winner grants PBSP-Global Fund and its official representatives an irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use and distribute the entry (as submitted, or as cropped by PBSP-Global Fund) in any media for promotions purposes without further compensation, notification or permission from the entrant. Each photographer whose photo(s) will be used in PBSP’s promotional activities shall be acknowledged accordingly.
14. Entries should be received on or before 29 February 2016.
B. How to Join the Contest
- Fill out the official entry form.
- Enclose the following requirements in a long brown envelope.
- Filled out entry form (One entry form for each photo).
- Printed entries (8R size, color print, unmounted)
- Digital file of the entries in CD rom (high-res and low res)
- (For minors): Consent to join signed by parents/guardian
- (For images with recognizable persons) Model release from the subject/model; or in case of a minor, from the child’s guardian. (Form available for download)
- Submit your entry to:
Catherine Placino
PBSP Global Fund TB Project
Philippine Business for Social Progress
PSDC Building, Magallanes cor Real Sts.
Intramuros, Manila
C. Criteria for Judging
Relevance to the Theme: 35%
Creativity: 25%
Technique: 20%
Overall Impact: 20%
Total: 100%
D. Prizes
- Winner per category: Cash Prize of P20, 000.00 and a certificate
People’s Choice award: Cash Prize of P10,000.00 and a certificate
Consolation prize: Cash Prize of P3,000.00 and a certificate
All prizes shall be net of tax.
E. Notification of Winners and Awarding
- Winners will be notified through email or mobile phone. Details of awarding ceremony will be communicated in the notification.
For more information about the photo contest, feel free to send an email to pbsp.photocontest@gmail.com.
TB Information
- Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This bacteria can affect any part of the body, but it most commonly affects the lungs; hence pulmonary TB.
- Pulmonary TB is spread from one person to another through the air. When people with lung TB cough, sneeze or spit, droplets containing TB bacteria are released into the air. Inhaling even just a few of the bacteria can cause a person to become infected with TB.
TB is not spread by shaking hands, kissing, hugging, or sharing utensils with a person with TB.
- Not everyone who has been infected with TB becomes sick. In fact, about one-third of the world’s population has latent TB. When a person has latent TB, it means that he or she has been infected by TB bacteria, but the body is able to fight the bacteria. He or she is not (yet) ill with the disease and cannot transmit the disease. When their immune system is lowered, people with latent TB can develop active TB disease.
People with active TB are sick with TB and can transmit the disease through coughing, spitting, and/or sneezing.
- The symptoms of TB (cough, fever, night sweats, weight loss etc.) may be mild for many months. It is advised that people with more than two weeks of cough, with or without the other symptoms of TB, seek medical help.
- Tuberculosis is curable and preventable.
Active, drug-susceptible TB disease is treated with a standard course of four antimicrobial drugs given daily in six months.
A form of TB that does not respond to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the two most powerful first-line (or standard) anti-TB drugs, is called multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Some people with MDR-TB were infected with the drug-resistant strain of TB bacteria. But drug-susceptible can become MDR-TB if treatment is stopped, or not strictly followed.
MDR-TB treatment is longer (two years), more costly, and can produce adverse drug reactions in patients.
Extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) is an even more difficult-to-treat form of TB, as it responds to fewer anti-TB drugs.
- If left untreated, TB can be fatal.