Education Program

Every Filipino has a right to accessible and quality education. PBSP, through the Education Program, assists in improving the quality of education for Filipino learners, most especially the senior high school students. PBSP works with its partner companies and donors to contribute to the UNDP’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

Program Accomplishments as of FY 2017-2018

students provided with educational assistance/scholarship
employee-volunteers participated in Brigada Eskwela, Ready for School and other activities
students benefited from improved senior high school services
classrooms constructed
schools divisions assisted/enabled to support public schools' SHS implementation
public senior high schools assisted in implementing the K-12

Our Flagship Initiatives

Educational Assistance/Scholarships

This is a fund and referral campaign to send disadvantaged children to school. The project is an avenue for collective private sector involvement to provide aid assistance for the education of identified beneficiaries. 

Classroom Construction

This project constructs disaster-resilient, PWD-inclusive and gender-sensitive classrooms that contribute to closing the classroom gap brought about by increasing student population, additional requirements of SHS, and damage from natural and man-made disasters.

Our Platform for Collective Engagement

Bayanihang Pampaaralan

This is focused on capability building of public schools as well as influencing systems of change to contribute to the attainment of desired education outcomes and impact. This program shall enable HS graduates to be ready for work or entrepreneurship, fit for jobs or ready for college.