
Donations from other countries for Typhoon Yolanda relief can now be made through PBSP

To our friends in the United States of America and other countries who have expressed their desire to help out the victims of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), you can now send funding support through the United Way Worldwide donation platform. The Philippine Business for Social Progress is the United Way affiliate in the Philippines.

To my friends in the US, please share this link to your respective networks there.

Sincerely appreciate all your concern, support and prayers!

UNITED, We will rebuild Lives!

United Way Worldwide Disaster Rebuilding Fund Activated to Support Communities Affected by Typhoon in the Philippines

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you to everyone across our network who has reached out with offers of support for our team in the Philippines. United Way Worldwide has been in contact with Rapa Lopa and his team at Philippine Business for Social Progress (United Way in the Philippines). We are pleased to report that they are safe and working hard to identify and address both the immediate and long-term needs in the affected areas.

To that end, we have reactivated the United Way Worldwide Disaster Rebuilding Fund. The fund will be allocated to our partners in the Philippines, and contributions will be tax deductible for donors in the United States. We encourage you to promote this fund in your communities.


We have also heard from several corporate partners interested in providing financial support. If you are approached by a company interested in making a contribution greater than USD 2,500.00, they may do so by contacting United Way’s International Donor Advised Giving team at 703-836-7112 x128 or via email at IDAG@unitedway.org.

If you have any additional questions, please email Paul Metcalfe, Director, Investor Relations, South East Asia and Pacific , or Alex Rodriguez, Manager of International Communications.

Thank you,

Joe Haggerty
Chief Operating Officer
United Way Worldwide

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