PBSP supports Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Philippines 2012
Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) signed a memorandum of agreement last 28 February 2012 to support Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Philippines 2012.
The Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 is managed by the SGV Foundation, Inc. with this year’s theme, Passion.
The search is open for all Filipino Entrepreneurs who may join the following award categories: Master Entrepreneur, Small Business Entrepreneur, Industry-Specific Entrepreneur, Woman Entrepreneur, and Social Entrepreneur. The Entrepreneur of the Year will be chosen from the award categories winners, and will be representing the country in the World Entrepreneur of the Year in Monte Carlo, Monaco in June 2013.
For nominations, you contact Entrepreneur of the Year Program Manager, Maria Balmaceda at 891-0307 local 7766/7799 or email eoy.info@ph.ey.com or you may visit www.eoyphils.com for more information.
Published in http://www.infochat.com.ph/2012/03/06/pbsp-supports-ernst-and-young-entrepreneur-of-the-year-philippines-2012/ , 8 March 2012