PBSP joins medical mission in Marawi
Almost two years after the Marawi Siege, evacuees in transitional shelters still need access to basic health services. Some evacuees experience illnesses and are unable to avail of essential services. The health centers, which are still affected by the siege, are far from transitional shelters. To improve the situation, various organizations, including the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) conducted a medical mission at Boganga Resettlement Area in Marawi City. About 1,000 Maranaos have received free check-ups, dental care, eye care, meals, medicines and physical therapy. The donor groups also provided toys for kids, beauty care for girls, and haircut and circumcision for boys.
Other participants of the medical mission, held at Angoyao National High School, were the 12th Civil-Military Operations Battalion, Al-Mujadilah Development Foundation Incorporated (AMDFI), Amaipakpak Medical Center, City Schools Division of Marawi, Davao Light and Power Company, Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Health (DOH), F. O. International, Gawad Kalinga, Iligan Medical Center College, Islamic City of Marawi, Joint Task Group Tabang, Maranao People Development Center (MARADECA), Mindanao State University (MSU), Office of Civil Defense (OCD), Philippine Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET), Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), Province of Lanao del Sur, TGP Pharma Incorporated, The Fraternal Order of Eagles, Unifrutti Tropical Philippines Incorporated, Xavier University and Yellow Bus Line (YBL) Incorporated. Photo shows the volunteer employees from various organizations distributing medicines to patients.