
Champions for education

CHAMPIONS FOR EDUCATION – Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) and the Contact Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP) strengthen their partnership for the implementation of projects on Senior High School (SHS) and disaster management. Under the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two parties last December 7, 2015 at Accenture Philippines’ office in Mandaluyong City, CCAP will promote the programs and encourage its members to donate resources while PBSP will act as the primary receiver of all charitable donations from CCAP and its members. Among the projects are SHS educational assistance, School to Work program, as well as Professional Development Program for Teachers. In photo during the signing ceremony are: (from left) Jay Santisteban, CCAP operations director; Louie Benedict Hernandez, CCAP president; Rafael Lopa, PBSP executive director; and Marylin Muncada, PBSP PMO-Education director.