
DOH, PBSP and DDB launch ‘Project Papel’

DOING OUR ‘PAPEL’ ​’​Project Papel’ ​aims to encourage the public to do their share in helping the government fight the spread of infectious diseases in the country.

The spread of communicable diseases poses a big threat in the Philippines, which already had its second case of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

While the foreign patient has already been isolated for treatment, the risk of such infectious diseases including Ebola, Tuberculosis, Avian Influenza or Bird Flu, H1N1 entering the country from abroad remains due to the increasing traffic of international flights as a result of strengthening globalization and our burgeoning tourism industry.

It is for this reason that the Department of Health (DoH), in partnership with Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) and DDB Group Philippines launched “Project Papel,” an information drive to help in the prevention and control of infectious diseases from overseas.

Comprising of TV and print advertisements, “Project Papel” primarily aims to encourage Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and travelers entering the country to fill up the Health Declaration form or the “Yellow form” to help health officials on disease detection and contact tracing.

In the past, many travelers failed to accomplish the yellow form, or even ignored it to avoid the routine check that they have to undergo if they show any symptom of a communicable disease.

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