Strengthening the Healthcare Management of Elsie Gaches Village
The Hershey Company through Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) and United Way Worldwide, in partnership with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) recently concluded Phase 1 of the Strengthening the Healthcare Management of Elsie Gaches Village project.
Elsie Gaches Village (EGV) is a 50-year old residential care center for sick and abandoned mentally challenged individuals, which currently houses more than 500 clients aging from 5 to 60 years old.
Through this partnership, the project was able to achieve the following: 19 cases of tuberculosis seen and managed since November 2012; eight patients completed the expected treatment course; nine clients currently undergoing PTB (Pulmunary Tuberculosis) treatment.
The project was also able to build the capacities of 140 staff that all underwent TB 101 Sessions on Prevention and Management Control through the TB DOTS (Tuberculosis Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course) Project Management Team. To date, for every cottage, there is at least one EGV staff trained and capable of providing Standard First Aid and Basic Life Support as needed.
It also opened partnership opportunities not limited to TB cases.
Just recently, medicines and additional equipment were turned over in support for future education sessions for the EGV staff and clients.